Online Application:
1) 請先填妥網上報名表格
2) 再於三天內將報名費存入上述戶口並保留存根
3) 請在E-mail及入數紙寫上你/妳的姓名,聯絡電話, 並將入數紙存根電郵至greensportclub2017@gmail.com 或whatsapp 至 5495 6075
1) Fill in the online application form.
2) Pay the competition fees though Bank Transfer method within 3 days. and keep the Bank Deposit Slip.
3) Email your Bank Deposit Slip with your name and contact number to our email : greensportclub2017@gmail.com or Whatsapp to tel: 5495 6075
付款方法/Payment Method:
- 參加者報名資料及費用一經確認,報名費用不設退款,參賽資格不得轉讓。
- 報名者應視乎身體狀況考慮是否適宜參賽。
- 參賽者將於完成付款程序後五個工作天內收到以電郵形式發出的確認通知書
- 參賽者個人保險需要自行負責。Personal insurance is responsible by participants.
- 號碼布不得轉讓別人。The number bib is non-transferable.
- 參賽者所填的資料必須屬實。 All the personal must be real.
- 大會設有行李寄存。 Baggage deposit will be provided.
- 所有收費不設收據。 No receipt will be issued.
- 除因天氣惡劣而取消外,所有報名費不獲退款。